import ij.IJ; import ij.ImageListener; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.Prefs; import ij.gui.DialogListener; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.ImageCanvas; import ij.gui.ImageWindow; import ij.gui.NonBlockingGenericDialog; import ij.gui.OvalRoi; import ij.gui.Overlay; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.gui.PolygonRoi; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.gui.ShapeRoi; import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer; import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter; import ij.plugin.frame.RoiManager; import ij.macro.Functions; import ij.macro.MacroExtension; import ij.macro.ExtensionDescriptor; import ij.measure.Measurements; import ij.measure.ResultsTable; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ij.process.ImageStatistics; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.util.Tools; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Button; import java.awt.Checkbox; import java.awt.CheckboxGroup; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.TextField; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Vector; /** This plugin is an update of the Radial Profile plugin from Paul Baggethun. * * This plugin lets you choose the starting angle and integration angle * over which the integration on the defined circle is done. * The integration will be done over an area defined by : * starting angle +/- integration angle. * The size and the position of the Roi can be defined and modified by * either using the plugin menu, the mouse or shortkeys on keyboard. * Additionnally, the integration calculation can be done over a whole stack. * * The plugin includes also a routine abling the calculation of the radius * of the generated Roi and saving the data in a result panel. * * The new version implements macro recording and excecution features. * And following several discussions and advices with Michael Schmid * ( the ROI position and size can be modified * with the mouse and the opening angle cone is always drawn together * with the round ROI. * * Finally the plugin takes also into account a bug correction introduced * by Kota Miura ( * * First version: 4-20-2005 * Last updated: 23-11-2020 (requires: ImageJ 1.52p or higher) * author : Philippe Carl ( */ public class Radial_Profile_Angle implements PlugInFilter, ImageListener, ActionListener, KeyListener, DialogListener, MouseMotionListener, MouseWheelListener, Measurements, MacroExtension { private static Radial_Profile_Angle instance; private final static int X_CENTER = 0, Y_CENTER = 1, RADIUS = 2, START_ANGLE = 3, INT_ANGLE = 4; ImagePlus imp; ImageProcessor ip2; ImageCanvas canvas; Rectangle rct; Plot plot; ShapeRoi s1, s2; Overlay overlay; NonBlockingGenericDialog gd; boolean previousRequireControlKeyState; String [] items = {"Plot Droplet with integration angle", "Plot integration angle"}; String [] colors = {"black", "blue", "green", "red", "yellow", "cyan", "gray", "magenta", "lightGray", "orange", "pink", "darkGray"}; static boolean useCalibration = true; static boolean makeStackAnalysis = false; static int shift_button_mask = InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK | InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK; static int ctrl_mask = InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK; static int alt_mask = InputEvent. ALT_DOWN_MASK; static int alt_shift_mask = InputEvent. ALT_DOWN_MASK + InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK; static int alt_ctrl_mask = InputEvent. ALT_DOWN_MASK + InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK; int nBins = 100; int [] xPoint = new int[6]; int [] yPoint = new int[6]; int slice; int Sa; // Starting angle in degree over which the calculation is done int Ia; // Integration angle in degree over which the calculation is done double X0; // X center in pixels of the circle over which the calculation is done double Y0; // Y center in pixels of the circle over which the calculation is done double mR; // Radius in pixels of the circle over which the calculation is done double cosMin, cosMax, sinMin, sinMax; float value; float [] size, sum1, sum2, min, max, stdevf; double [] stdev; float [] dataX; // X data of the plot float [][] dataY; // Y data of the plot TextField [] numericFields; Button button0, button1; CheckboxGroup cbg; Checkbox cb0, cb1; public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { if (arg.equals("about")) { showAbout(); return DONE; } if (IJ.versionLessThan("1.52p")) return DONE; this.imp = imp; if (instance != null && instance.getDialog() != null) { instance.getDialog().toFront(); ImageWindow win = instance.getImagePlus().getWindow(); if (win != null) win.toFront(); return DONE; } else instance = this; if (instance.getImagePlus() != null && instance.getImagePlus().getWindow() != null) instance.getImagePlus().getWindow().toFront(); return DOES_ALL + NO_UNDO + NO_CHANGES; } public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { imp.unlock(); ip2 = ip; ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow (); win.addKeyListener (this); ImagePlus.addImageListener (this); canvas = win.getCanvas (); canvas.addKeyListener (this); canvas.addMouseMotionListener (this); canvas.addMouseWheelListener (this); previousRequireControlKeyState = Prefs.requireControlKey; Prefs.requireControlKey = true; setXYcenter (); if (!getParams()) { removeListeners(imp); return; } try { calculateRadialProfile(); } catch (Exception e) { IJ.error(e.getMessage()); } if (IJ.macroRunning()) Functions.registerExtensions(this); imp.setOverlay(null); removeListeners(imp); } private void removeListeners(ImagePlus imp) { ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win == null) return; win.removeKeyListener (this); canvas = win.getCanvas (); canvas.removeKeyListener (this); canvas.removeMouseMotionListener(this); canvas.removeMouseWheelListener (this); Prefs.requireControlKey = previousRequireControlKeyState; instance = null; } public void imageOpened(ImagePlus imp) { } public void imageUpdated(ImagePlus imp) { } public void imageClosed(ImagePlus imp) { if (imp == this.imp) { removeListeners(imp); gd.dispose(); } } private NonBlockingGenericDialog getDialog() { return gd; } private ImagePlus getImagePlus() { return imp; } public void setXYcenter() { if(imp.getRoi() == null) { X0 = canvas.getWidth() / 2.0; Y0 = canvas.getHeight() / 2.0; mR = (X0 + Y0) / 2.0; } else { rct = imp.getRoi().getBounds(); X0 = (double) rct.x + (double) rct.width / 2; Y0 = (double) rct.y + (double) rct.height / 2; mR = (rct.width + rct.height) / 4.0; } Sa = 0; Ia = 180; } private void correctValues() { if(mR < 0) { mR = -mR; numericFields[RADIUS].setText(IJ.d2s(mR, 2)); } if(Ia < 0) { Ia = -Ia; numericFields[INT_ANGLE].setText(IJ.d2s(Ia, 0)); } if(Ia > 180) { Ia = Ia%180; numericFields[INT_ANGLE].setText(IJ.d2s(Ia, 0)); } } public double cos(double val) { if(Math.IEEEremainder(val, 2.0 * Math.PI) == 0.0) return 1.0; else if(Math.IEEEremainder(val, Math.PI) == 0.0) return -1.0; else if(Math.IEEEremainder(val, Math.PI / 2.0) == 0.0) return 0.0; else return Math.cos(val); } public double sin(double val) { return(Math.IEEEremainder(val, Math.PI) == 0.0) ? 0.0 : Math.sin(val); } private void setCosSin() { int i; double tmpVal; cosMin = cos(Math.PI * (Sa - Ia) / 180.0); cosMax = cosMin; sinMin = sin(Math.PI * (Sa - Ia) / 180.0); sinMax = sinMin; for(i = 1; i <= 2 * Ia; i++) { tmpVal = cos(Math.PI * (Sa - Ia + i) / 180); if(tmpVal > cosMax) cosMax = tmpVal; else if(tmpVal < cosMin) cosMin = tmpVal; tmpVal = sin(Math.PI * (Sa - Ia + i) / 180); if(tmpVal > sinMax) sinMax = tmpVal; else if(tmpVal < sinMin) sinMin = tmpVal; } } private int colorX(int val) { return(Math.IEEEremainder((double) (val - 1), 4.0) == 0.0) ? 1 : 0; } private int colorY(int val) { return(Math.IEEEremainder((double) (val - 2), 4.0) == 0.0) ? 1 : 0; } private int colorZ(int val) { return(Math.IEEEremainder((double) (val - 3), 4.0) == 0.0) ? 1 : 0; } public void doRadialDistribution(ImageProcessor ip) { // nBins = (int) (3 * mR / 4); nBins = (int) (Math.floor(mR)); size = new float [nBins]; dataX = new float [nBins]; dataY = new float[1][nBins]; sum1 = new float [nBins]; sum2 = new float [nBins]; min = new float [nBins]; max = new float [nBins]; stdevf = new float [nBins]; stdev = new double [nBins]; String[] headings = new String[2]; int i; int thisBin; double a, b; double R; double xmin = X0 - mR, xmax = X0 + mR, ymin = Y0 - mR, ymax = Y0 + mR; Arrays .fill(size, 0); Arrays .fill(sum1, 0); Arrays .fill(sum2, 0); Arrays .fill(min , Float.MAX_VALUE); Arrays .fill(max , -Float.MAX_VALUE); setCosSin(); for (a = xmin; a <= xmax; a++) { for (b = ymin; b <= ymax; b++) { R = Math.sqrt((a - X0) * (a - X0) + (b - Y0) * (b - Y0)); if( (a - X0) / R >= cosMin && (a - X0) / R <= cosMax ) { if( (Y0 - b) / R >= sinMin && (Y0 - b) / R <= sinMax ) { thisBin = (int) Math.floor((R / mR) * (double) nBins); if (thisBin == 0) thisBin = 1; thisBin = thisBin - 1; // if (thisBin > nBins - 1) thisBin = nBins - 1; // correction suggested by Kota Miura if (thisBin < nBins) { if(ip.getPixelValue((int) a, (int) b) == ip.getPixelValue((int) a, (int) b)) // pixels with intensity values equal to NaN are not counted { value = ip.getPixelValue((int) a, (int) b); dataX [thisBin] += 1; dataY[0][thisBin] += value; size [thisBin] += 1; sum1 [thisBin] += value; sum2 [thisBin] += value * value; min [thisBin] = value < min[thisBin] ? value : min[thisBin]; max [thisBin] = value > max[thisBin] ? value : max[thisBin]; } } } } } } Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); if (cal == null || cal.getUnit() == "pixel" || cal.pixelWidth != cal.pixelHeight) useCalibration = false; if (useCalibration) { for (i = 0; i < nBins; i++) { dataY[0][i] = dataY[0][i] / dataX[i]; dataX [i] = (float) (cal.pixelWidth * mR * ((double)(i + 1) / nBins)); stdev [i] = Math.sqrt(((size[i] * sum2[i] - sum1[i] * sum1[i]) / size[i]) / (size[i] - 1)); stdevf [i] = (float) stdev[i]; } plot = new Plot(getImageTitle(), "Radius [" + cal.getUnits() + "]", "Normalized Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, dataY[0], null, Plot.LINE, "Normalized Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, min , null, Plot.LINE, "Minima from Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, max , null, Plot.LINE, "Maxima from Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, stdevf , null, Plot.LINE, "Stdev from Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, size , null, Plot.LINE, "Number of counted pixels within a bin"); plot.setPlotObjectStyle(1, "green , none, 1.0, Line, hidden"); plot.setPlotObjectStyle(2, "red , none, 1.0, Line, hidden"); plot.setPlotObjectStyle(3, "blue , none, 1.0, Line, hidden"); plot.setPlotObjectStyle(4, "magenta , none, 1.0, Line, hidden"); } else { for (i = 0; i < nBins; i++) { dataY[0][i] = dataY[0][i] / dataX[i]; dataX[i] = (float) (mR * ((double) (i + 1) / nBins)); stdev [i] = Math.sqrt(((size[i] * sum2[i] - sum1[i] * sum1[i]) / size[i]) / (size[i] - 1)); stdevf [i] = (float) stdev[i]; } plot = new Plot(getImageTitle(), "Radius [pixels]", "Normalized Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, dataY[0], null, Plot.LINE, "Normalized Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, min , null, Plot.LINE, "Minima from Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, max , null, Plot.LINE, "Maxima from Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, stdevf , null, Plot.LINE, "Stdev from Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, size , null, Plot.LINE, "Number of counted pixels within a bin"); plot.setPlotObjectStyle(1, "green , none, 1.0, Line, hidden"); plot.setPlotObjectStyle(2, "red , none, 1.0, Line, hidden"); plot.setPlotObjectStyle(3, "blue , none, 1.0, Line, hidden"); plot.setPlotObjectStyle(4, "magenta , none, 1.0, Line, hidden"); }; } public void doStackRadialDistribution() { // nBins = (int) (3 * mR / 4); nBins = (int) (Math.floor(mR)); dataX = new float[nBins]; dataY = new float[imp.getStackSize()][nBins]; int i, j, k; int thisBin; String[] headings = new String[imp.getStackSize() + 1]; float minY, maxY; double[] extrema; double a, b; double R; double xmin = X0 - mR, xmax = X0 + mR, ymin = Y0 - mR, ymax = Y0 + mR; setCosSin(); Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); if (cal == null || cal.getUnit() == "pixel" || cal.pixelWidth != cal.pixelHeight) useCalibration = false; for (j = 0; j != imp.getStackSize(); j++) { imp.setSlice(j + 1); headings[j + 1] = String.valueOf(j); for (a = xmin; a <= xmax; a++) { for (b = ymin; b <= ymax; b++) { R = Math.sqrt((a - X0) * (a - X0) + (b - Y0) * (b - Y0)); if( (a - X0) / R >= cosMin && (a - X0) / R <= cosMax ) { if( (Y0 - b) / R >= sinMin && (Y0 - b) / R <= sinMax ) { thisBin = (int) Math.floor((R / mR) * (double) nBins); if (thisBin == 0) thisBin = 1; thisBin = thisBin - 1; // if (thisBin > nBins - 1) thisBin = nBins - 1; // correction suggested by Kota Miura if (thisBin < nBins) { if(ip2.getPixelValue((int) a, (int) b) == ip2.getPixelValue((int) a, (int) b)) // pixels with intensity values equal to NaN are not counted { dataX [thisBin] = dataX [thisBin] + 1; dataY[j][thisBin] = dataY[j][thisBin] + ip2.getPixelValue((int) a, (int) b); } } } } } } for (i = 0; i < nBins; i++) { dataY[j][i] = dataY[j][i] / dataX[i]; dataX[i] = 0; } } minY = dataY[0][0]; maxY = dataY[0][0]; for (j = 0; j != imp.getStackSize(); j++) { extrema = Tools.getMinMax(dataY[j]); if (extrema[0] < minY) minY = (float) extrema[0]; if (extrema[1] > maxY) maxY = (float) extrema[1]; } if (useCalibration) { for (i = 0; i < nBins; i++) dataX[i] = (float) (cal.pixelWidth * mR * ((double)(i + 1) / nBins)); plot = new Plot("Radial Profile Plot", "Radius [" + cal.getUnits() + "]", "Normalized Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, dataY[0], Plot.LINE); headings[0] = "Radius [" + cal.getUnits() + "]"; } else { for (i = 0; i < nBins; i++) dataX[i] = (float) (mR * ((double) (i + 1) / nBins)); plot = new Plot("Radial Profile Plot", "Radius [pixels]", "Normalized Integrated Intensity"); plot.addPoints(dataX, dataY[0], Plot.LINE); headings[0] = "Radius [pixels]"; } plot.setLimits(dataX[0], dataX[nBins - 1], minY, maxY); k = 0; for (j = 1; j != imp.getStackSize(); j++) { // plot.setColor(new Color(colorX(j) * 0xff, colorY(j) * 0xff, colorZ(j) * 0xff)); plot.setColor(colors[k]); plot.addPoints(dataX, dataY[j], null, Plot.LINE, "slice_" + String.valueOf(j + 1)); k = k < colors.length - 2 ? k + 1 : 0; } plot.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0)); // This line is added so that dataY[0] which is actually drawn at last (for I don't know which reason - maybe a bug of the MultyPlotExt class) is drawn in black color (as expected from the code) and not with the last defined color of the previous loop; } public String getImageTitle() { String str = imp.getTitle(); int len = str.length(); if (len > 4 && str.charAt(len - 4) == '.' && !Character.isDigit(str.charAt(len - 1))) return str.substring(0, len - 4); else return str; } public void calculateRoiRadius(ImageProcessor ip) { String title; Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); int measurements = Analyzer.getMeasurements(); // defined in Set Measurements dialog Analyzer.setMeasurements(measurements); Analyzer a = new Analyzer(); ImageStatistics stats = imp.getStatistics(measurements); title = getImageTitle(); a.saveResults(stats, imp.getRoi()); // store in system results table ResultsTable rt = Analyzer.getResultsTable(); // get the system results table // rt.addLabel("Label", title); rt. setValue("Label", 0, title); if (useCalibration) { rt.addValue("Radius [" + cal.getUnits() + "]", cal.pixelWidth * mR); rt.addValue("Radius [pixels]", mR); } else rt.addValue("Radius [pixels]", mR); a.displayResults(); // display the results in the worksheet a.updateHeadings(); // update the worksheet headings } public void setParams(double X_Center, double Y_Center, double Radius, int Start_Angle, int Int_Angle, boolean Use_Calibration, boolean Make_Stack_Analysis) { X0 = X_Center; Y0 = Y_Center; mR = Radius; Sa = Start_Angle; Ia = Int_Angle; useCalibration = Use_Calibration; makeStackAnalysis = Make_Stack_Analysis; } public void doRadialProfile(double X_Center, double Y_Center, double Radius, int Start_Angle, int Int_Angle, boolean Use_Calibration, boolean Make_Stack_Analysis) { setParams(X_Center, Y_Center, Radius, Start_Angle, Int_Angle, Use_Calibration, Make_Stack_Analysis); calculateRadialProfile(); } private ExtensionDescriptor[] extensions = { ExtensionDescriptor.newDescriptor("getXValue" , this, ARG_NUMBER), ExtensionDescriptor.newDescriptor("getYValue" , this, ARG_NUMBER, ARG_NUMBER), ExtensionDescriptor.newDescriptor("getBinSize" , this), ExtensionDescriptor.newDescriptor("getStackSize", this), }; public ExtensionDescriptor[] getExtensionFunctions() { return extensions; } public String handleExtension(String name, Object[] args) { if (name.equals("getXValue")) { int pos = ( (Double) args[0] ).intValue(); if(pos >= dataX.length) return "outOfBoundsOfGetXValue"; else return Double.toString(dataX[pos]); } else if (name.equals("getYValue")) { int pos0 = ( (Double) args[0] ).intValue(); int pos1 = ( (Double) args[1] ).intValue(); if(pos0 >= dataY .length) return "outOfBoundsOfGetYValue1"; else if(pos1 >= dataY[pos0].length) return "outOfBoundsOfGetYValue2"; else return Double.toString(dataY[pos0][pos1]); } else if (name.equals("getBinSize")) { return Integer.toString(nBins); } else if (name.equals("getStackSize")) { return Integer.toString(imp.getStackSize()); } if (name.equals("getMinValue")) { int pos = ( (Double) args[0] ).intValue(); if(pos >= dataX.length) return "outOfBoundsOfGetXValue"; else return Double.toString(min[pos]); } if (name.equals("getMaxValue")) { int pos = ( (Double) args[0] ).intValue(); if(pos >= dataX.length) return "outOfBoundsOfGetXValue"; else return Double.toString(max[pos]); } if (name.equals("getStdevValue")) { int pos = ( (Double) args[0] ).intValue(); if(pos >= dataX.length) return "outOfBoundsOfGetXValue"; else return Double.toString(stdev[pos]); } if (name.equals("getSizeValue")) { int pos = ( (Double) args[0] ).intValue(); if(pos >= dataX.length) return "outOfBoundsOfGetXValue"; else return Double.toString(size[pos]); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean getParams() { gd = new NonBlockingGenericDialog("Radial Profile Angle on [" + imp.getWindow().getTitle() + "]"); gd.addNumericField ("X_center (pixels):" , X0, 2); gd.addNumericField ("Y_center (pixels):" , Y0, 2); gd.addNumericField ("Radius (pixels): " , mR, 2); gd.addNumericField ("Starting_angle (\u00B0): " , Sa, 0); gd.addNumericField ("Integration_angle (\u00B0):" , Ia, 0); gd.addPanel (addPanel()); gd.addRadioButtonGroup (null, items, 2, 1, "Plot integration angle"); gd.addCheckbox ("Use_Spatial_Calibration" , useCalibration); gd.addCheckbox ("Calculate_Radial_Profile_on_Stack", makeStackAnalysis); gd.setOKLabel ("Calculate Radial Profile and Exit"); gd.addHelp (""); numericFields = (TextField[]) (gd.getNumericFields().toArray(new TextField[gd.getNumericFields().size()])); Vector radioButtonGroups = gd.getRadioButtonGroups(); cbg = (CheckboxGroup)(radioButtonGroups.elementAt(0)); Vector checkboxs = gd.getCheckboxes(); cb0 = (Checkbox)(checkboxs.elementAt(0)); cb1 = (Checkbox)(checkboxs.elementAt(1)); plotROI(); gd.addDialogListener(this); gd.addMouseWheelListener(this); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { imp.setOverlay(null); return false; } if (IJ.macroRunning()) { X0 = gd.getNextNumber(); Y0 = gd.getNextNumber(); mR = gd.getNextNumber(); Sa = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); Ia = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); useCalibration = gd.getNextBoolean(); makeStackAnalysis = gd.getNextBoolean(); } return true; } private Panel addPanel() { Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); button0 = new Button("Calculate ROI Radius (g)"); button0.addActionListener(this); panel.add(button0); button1 = new Button("Calculate Radial Profile (q)"); button1.addActionListener(this); panel.add(button1); return panel; } private void plotROI() { if(cbg.getSelectedCheckbox().getLabel() == "Plot Droplet with integration angle") plotDropletAndIntegrationROI(); else plotIntegrationROI(); } private void plotDropletAndIntegrationROI() { imp.setOverlay(null); for(int i = -1; i <= 1; i = i + 2) { xPoint[i + 1] = (int) (X0 + mR * cos(Math.PI * (Sa + i * Ia) / 180)); yPoint[i + 1] = (int) (Y0 - mR * sin(Math.PI * (Sa + i * Ia) / 180)); } xPoint[1] = (int) X0; yPoint[1] = (int) Y0; overlay = new Overlay(new PolygonRoi(xPoint, yPoint, 3, Roi.ANGLE)); overlay.addElement(new OvalRoi((int)(X0 - mR), (int)(Y0 - mR), (int)(2 * mR), (int)(2 * mR))); imp.setOverlay(overlay); s2 = new ShapeRoi (new OvalRoi((int)(X0 - mR), (int)(Y0 - mR), (int)(2 * mR), (int)(2 * mR))); imp.setRoi(s2); imp.repaintWindow(); } private void plotIntegrationROI() { imp.setOverlay(null); for(int i = -2; i <= 2; i++) { xPoint[i+2] = (int) (X0 + 2 * mR * cos(Math.PI * (Sa + 0.5 * i * Ia) / 180)); yPoint[i+2] = (int) (Y0 - 2 * mR * sin(Math.PI * (Sa + 0.5 * i * Ia) / 180)); } xPoint[5] = (int) X0; yPoint[5] = (int) Y0; s1 = new ShapeRoi(new PolygonRoi(xPoint, yPoint, 6, Roi.POLYGON)); s2 = new ShapeRoi(new OvalRoi((int)(X0 - mR), (int)(Y0 - mR), (int)(2 * mR), (int)(2 * mR))); s1.and(s2); imp.setRoi(s1); imp.repaintWindow(); } private void calculateROIRadius() { useCalibration = cb0.getState(); calculateRoiRadius(ip2); } public void calculateRadialProfile() { // makeStackAnalysis = cb1.getState(); if(makeStackAnalysis) { if (imp.getStackSize() > 1) { // useCalibration = cb0.getState(); doStackRadialDistribution(); } else IJ.showMessage("Error", "Stack required"); } else { // useCalibration = cb0.getState(); doRadialDistribution(ip2); } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object b = e.getSource(); if (b == button0) calculateROIRadius(); else if (b == button1) calculateRadialProfile(); } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int keyCode = e.getKeyCode(); int flags = e.getModifiers(); e.consume(); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD6) { if (flags == KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) X0 += 5; else if (flags == KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) X0 += 10; else X0++; numericFields[X_CENTER].setText(IJ.d2s(X0, 2)); imp.repaintWindow(); plotROI(); } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD4) { if (flags == KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) X0 -= 5; else if (flags == KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) X0 -= 10; else X0--; numericFields[X_CENTER].setText(IJ.d2s(X0, 2)); imp.repaintWindow(); plotROI(); } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD2) { if (flags == KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) Y0 += 5; else if (flags == KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) Y0 += 10; else Y0++; numericFields[Y_CENTER].setText(IJ.d2s(Y0, 2)); imp.repaintWindow(); plotROI(); } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD8) { if (flags == KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) Y0 -= 5; else if (flags == KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) Y0 -= 10; else Y0--; numericFields[Y_CENTER].setText(IJ.d2s(Y0, 2)); imp.repaintWindow(); plotROI(); } else if (keyCode== KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP || keyCode==e.VK_ADD) { if((e.getModifiersEx() & alt_mask) == alt_mask) { if((e.getModifiersEx() & alt_ctrl_mask) == alt_ctrl_mask) Ia += 10; else if((e.getModifiersEx() & alt_shift_mask) == alt_shift_mask) Ia += 5; else Ia ++; numericFields[INT_ANGLE].setText(IJ.d2s(Ia, 0)); } else { if(flags == KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) mR += 10; else if(flags == KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) mR += 5; else mR ++; numericFields[RADIUS].setText(IJ.d2s(mR, 2)); } imp.repaintWindow(); plotROI(); } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN || keyCode == e.VK_SUBTRACT) { if((e.getModifiersEx() & alt_mask) == alt_mask) { if((e.getModifiersEx() & alt_ctrl_mask) == alt_ctrl_mask) Ia -= 10; else if((e.getModifiersEx() & alt_shift_mask) == alt_shift_mask) Ia -= 5; else Ia --; numericFields[INT_ANGLE].setText(IJ.d2s(Ia, 0)); } else { if(flags == KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) mR = (mR >= 10) ? (mR - 10) : mR; else if(flags == KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) mR = (mR >= 5) ? (mR - 5) : mR; else mR = (mR >= 1) ? (mR - 1) : mR; numericFields[RADIUS].setText(IJ.d2s(mR, 2)); } imp.repaintWindow(); plotROI(); } else if (keyCode == e.VK_G) calculateROIRadius(); else if (keyCode == e.VK_Q) calculateRadialProfile(); } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) { X0 = gd.getNextNumber(); Y0 = gd.getNextNumber(); mR = gd.getNextNumber(); Sa = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); Ia = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); useCalibration = gd.getNextBoolean(); makeStackAnalysis = gd.getNextBoolean(); if(gd.invalidNumber()) { IJ.beep(); return false; } correctValues(); plotROI(); return true; } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { X0 = canvas.offScreenX(e.getX()); Y0 = canvas.offScreenY(e.getY()); numericFields[X_CENTER].setText(IJ.d2s(X0, 2)); numericFields[Y_CENTER].setText(IJ.d2s(Y0, 2)); imp.repaintWindow(); plotROI(); } public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { e.consume(); for (int i = 0; i < numericFields.length; i++) // mouseWheelEvents for numeric input fields { if(numericFields[i].isFocusOwner()) { mouseWheelOnNumericField(e, i); return; // The MouseWheelEvent was used, no more action } } if (IJ.altKeyDown()) // mouseWheelEvents not for a numeric field: modify the radius or angle mouseWheelOnNumericField(e, INT_ANGLE); else mouseWheelOnNumericField(e, RADIUS); } void mouseWheelOnNumericField(MouseWheelEvent e, int fieldIndex) { double value = Tools.parseDouble(numericFields[fieldIndex].getText()); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return; // invalid number, can't increment/decrement int step = 1; if ((e.getModifiersEx() & (shift_button_mask | ctrl_mask)) == ctrl_mask) step = 10; else if (IJ.shiftKeyDown()) step = 5; value -= step * e.getWheelRotation(); if(fieldIndex <= 2) numericFields[fieldIndex].setText(IJ.d2s(value, 2)); else numericFields[fieldIndex].setText(IJ.d2s(value, 0)); return; } public void showAbout() { IJ.showMessage("Radial Profile Angle...", "This plugin is an update of the Radial Profile plugin from Paul Baggethun:\n" + "\n" + "The plugin lets you choose the starting angle and integration angle over\n" + "which the integration on the defined Roi is done.\n" + "The integration will be done over an area defined by :\n" + "starting angle +/- integration angle.\n" + "The size and the position of the Roi can be defined and modified by\n" + "either using the plugin menu, the mouse or shortkeys on keyboard.\n" + "Additionnally, the integration calculation can be done over a whole stack.\n" + " \n" + "The plugin includes also a routine abling the calculation of the radius\n" + "of the generated Roi and saving the data in a result panel.\n" + " \n" + "The new version implements macro recording and excecution features.\n" + "And following several discussions and advices with Michael Schmid\n" + "( the ROI position and size can be modified\n" + "with the mouse and the opening angle cone is always drawn together\n" + "with the round ROI.r\n" + " \n" + "Finally the plugin takes also into account a bug correction introduced\n" + "by Kota Miura (\n" + " \n" + "First version: 4-20-2005\n\n" + "Last updated: 11-23-2020 (requires: ImageJ 1.38p or higher)\n\n" + "Author : Philippe Carl (" ); } }